

I’d love to hear from healers like you about what is working for you in your business. Any contributions will be credited with a short bio, a picture, and a link to your website. It’s a great way to help your colleagues and get some free exposure for your business.


Consider any of the following questions, or any other problem or situation you have solved or grown through in your business. I want to publish multiple perspectives and stories on all of these topics:

  • What is your niche or speciality, and how did you arrive at it?
  • What do you use as your “elevator pitch” and how did you come up with it?
  • How do most of your customers find you? How did you develop that client stream?
  • What marketing or sales strategies have been successful?
  • What kind of networking do you engage in that works for yoU?
  • How have you dealt with difficult clients?
  • What partnerships have been successful for you?
  • What supplementary or complementary income streams have you developed?
  • What big decisions have you faced in your business and how did you deal with them?
  • What do you wish you had known when you got started?
  • What mistakes have you learned from?
  • What followup do you do with your clients to keep their business?
  • What automated systems or software really works for you?
  • How do you use blogging or other content creation to promote your work?

How does it work?

  1. Fill out the form below telling me a bit about your idea for a contribution.
  2. I’ll get back to you with whether I think it’s a good fit. If yes, you write it up and I’ll put it on the site!