
About this site

My vision with Healerpreneur is to empower healers to succeed in business.

My definition of a healer is somebody who sees your wholeness before you do, thereby helping you find it.

My definition of success involves more than money, although financial empowerment is important. A holistic definition of success means:

  • not just more clients, but the right clients – those who you love working with and who bring out your best self and greatest gifts
  • daily satisfaction – meeting your day to day needs for creativity, productivity, effectiveness, community, and contribution
  • fulfillment – living your purpose and being in alignment with your true self, contributing in the unique way that only you can

A good business is a perfect match between your abilities, strengths, and what the world needs.

Success does not always mean “more”. To me, success is thriving without striving. It is flow and ease in everyday life. Sometimes that means saying “no” and listening to what your heart wants, rather than how others define success.

My goal is to empower you to navigate the world of business and find the right path for you.

Why I love business

My passion for micro-business stems from a belief that tiny companies can change the world.

Small, home-grown companies are innovative, agile, creative, and often founded out of a desire for independence, purpose, and a healthy lifestyle. Micro-businesses inject these values and priorities into the business world, helping to create change and evolution for all business. The more we can all support and sustain the micro-business ecology, the more we will all benefit.

Businesses shape the world. Happy businesses create a happier world for all of us.

I’m doubly motivated to help healers who start a business, because the world needs healing and many healers feel intimidated by the mechanics of business. There are many ways to approach business and I hope to offer an alternative to the dry, boring, confusing textbook-style or the grabby, showy get-rich-quick style of business advice.

I encourage people to use their natural skills and personality to create marketing that works for them, and I try to present the basic principles of business in clear language that is accessible and easy to understand. I want to offer practical advice that addresses the inner as well as outer aspects of business.

Most of all I encourage people to engage their creative, playful mind to have fun with their business. Creating a business is often one of the most challenging, consuming, creative endeavors of your life–similar to having a baby. It can be immensely rewarding.

I firmly believe we all need support to bring those dreams to reality. It’s like this

My hope is that this site will be part of the knowledge and support that makes your business fun, successful, and fulfilling, so that you can do more good work in the world.

About me

Over the past 12+ years I’ve been on a long journey of healing, personal growth, and spiritual awakening. Alongside this journey I have been self-employed as a freelance web designer, web developer, and owner of a web hosting business.

You can read a bio of my life and my personal-growth writing on my blog Joy Ninja.